Transform Your career in just 3 to 12 Weeks applying most latest strategies in job market

Hi I'm Raahul Pandey

Leading career coach with over 20 years of corporate sector experience
I have worked at MNCs like Torrent, HDFC, and Hyundai Motor India Limited at L&D and Training and have trained and coached over 15000 participants in uncounted learning sessions. During my corporate days, I have made dozens of hiring decisions and have been hired a couple of times too.
You can be super talented yet unsuccessful if you don't know how to build, promote, and market your career brand. Therefore, I know exactly what it's like to be in the job search market and, more importantly, how to navigate it successfully.
​I'm on a mission to help professionals and job seekers "Magnify Their Career" by attracting the best career opportunities by building their professional brand, avoiding expensive mistakes, and getting their dream job/promotion/higher responsibility in corporate, based on the core principles of humanity and simplicity, and by improving one's social skills, happiness, and overall productivity.

Our Transformational Courses

Brand yourself like a pro and move forward to be hired for your dream job or promotion

                   Value - INR 17,999/- (Including Taxes)

Choose a job where your skills are valued. You are adequately compensated. Become a star by learning strategic actions and learning how to build your brand and getting your dream job or promotion, which will help your career boost.

You will also find out how to leverage LinkedIn to transform yourself into an irresistible applicant. Master the cutting-edge methods using the "LEADS" system and you'll be a "Magnet Candidate" in no time. Designed to help you build your brand and land your dream job, this programme is jam-packed with exercises and backed up by resources.

Know the TRUE you - Detailed Professional Profile Analysis

                      Value - INR 5,999/- (Including Taxes)

The Axolotals psychometric assessment is the most advanced and accurate online career test that will help you make informed career decisions. The Online Career Assessment is based on well-proven psychometric theories and artificial intelligence (AI). A completely analysed report will be provided, which has enough information to help you understand your career path.

One to One career counselling session with Raahul

Undecided about which career to pursue? Have you doubted your career planning and roadmap? Still exploring your areas of strength and career interest? Help yourself to understand which career might be the best fit for you and support it with a career profiling analysis report. Supported by Raahul with 45 min counseling and discussion session.

 Value - INR 7,499/- (Including Taxes)

The Power of Growth Mindset

Do you play it safe all the time? Are you afraid of failing? Do you cringe when you receive constructive feedback? If so, you may be holding yourself back from achieving your full potential. What are the common roadblocks and how can you easily overcome them by tuning yourself.

 Value - INR 9,999/- (Including Taxes)

Ultimate job interview skills

So, you apply for a job that you know you'd be great at, and you receive an interview invitation... What comes next? Can we hope for the best on the day? Learn foundational interviewing techniques which will benefit you well in any job interview or promotion. 

 Value - INR 7,999/- (Including Taxes)

Win Any Job Interview - Beginner 

Learn the best tactics and strategies for impressing recruiters and hiring managers, including what questions to ask, what to bring, how to boost your confidence, and much more inside.

 Value - INR 5,999/- (Including Taxes)

Resume Success Formula - Create a Resume that Works

Recruiters spend around 7 seconds screening a resume, and in this course you will learn how to impress any recruiter or hiring manager in that time, as well as learn the art of crafting clear, confident, and strategic answers to the most perplexing questions.

 Value - INR 3,999/- (Including Taxes) 

Successful Career Branding & Networking The LinkedIn Way

If you're in the business world, a working professional or just starting out in your career, you need to be on LinkedIn. You can use this training to either increase your lead generation or establish yourself as an industry expert. The issue, though, is that most users aren't aware of how to maximise LinkedIn's potential. In this course, I'll show you the fundamentals and simplify everything so you can make the most of this powerful resource, which can take you miles.

Value - INR 5999/- (Including Taxes)


I met Raahul sir 10 years back. He has excellent professional approach in his profession. He has been very supportive to his peers and trainees. He has great skill of explaining complex concepts in simplest ways. I strongly believe that under his wonderful guidance Axolotals Academy will create landmark in the field of training and career development.

"Himanshu" - Freelance Consultant 

  Raahul pandey sir is very genius. Overall he is very helpful. I am always learning from him. He is my ideal. I want to become successful like him.Great Experience, Genuine services and you can consider .  Impressed by profile analysis and suggestions. Thanks!!

"Vinay" - Sales Manager 

I would say that his coaching has immensely benefitted for was awesome experience.

"Saumya" - Senior Design Engineer "Intel"

  Raahul sir is a super energetic person, he is always committed to his work. I have been coached personally by him that's the best decision of my life as I could find immense changes the way I was conducting at my workplace.He is an amazing mentor, always there to support and guide . Happy to learn the most valuable lesson in my professional journey. Thank you so much.

"Ankur Dhawan" - Operations Manager at Millenia Regency

  I know Raahul since our university days, although our departments were different in the same campus, Rahul is an excellent mentor and guide.He always demonstrates a very positive approach towards any problem and has a keen eye for minute detail, which has helped me reach an appropriate decision in the job shift, and that too on my terms.A seasoned L&D professional and a great career counselor, I wish him great success in his mission of helping the professionals to climb up the corporate ladder.

"Dr. Prittiee Gautam" - Sustainability Manager at Tata Motors